Dams are important structures in the Company’s business, since they concentrate most of the energy-generation capacity. However, as in any engineering project, they pose an intrinsic risk associated so different factors, both internal or externals.
In order to mitigate these risks and ensure the integrity of dams under its responsibility, Copel works preventively through criteria and procedures aligned to best engineering practices and legislation in force. Hydroelectric Power Plants have a Dam Safety Plan (PSB) and the Emergency Action Plan (PAE), in accordance with legal parameters.

The Company counts, moreover, with the Dam Safety Engineering Department, composed by professionals dedicated to the safety of these structures, responsible for carrying out procedures relative to maintenance and continued monitoring of dams and associated structures.
It is important to point out that hydroelectric power plant dams have well-consolidated building standards and safety criteria and safety checks are conducted in all stages – design, construction and operation.
Monitoring performed based on instrumentation, when existing, and on inspections, originated plans of action where defined the activities necessary for maintenance and conservation of the structures.
Moreover, Copel engages dam safety authorities by promoting meetings with Civil Defense coordinations (state and municipal) for delivering and/or providing clarifications on the Emergency Action Plans, which serve as basis for the preparation of municipal Contingency Plans. Therefore, the Company makes the procedures to be implemented in case of a collapse public, clarifying the role of each institution involved.

The National Dam Safety Policy (PNSB) was defined by Law 12.334, enacted September 20, 2010 and updated on September 30, 2020, which sets the standards, regulations, monitoring procedures, among other guidelines, for dams destined to accumulation of water for any uses, final or temporary disposal of waste and accumulation of industrial waste. It creates, moreover, the National Dam Safety Information System (SNISB).
Furthermore, the Federal Electric Power Agency (Aneel) in the scope of the electric power industry, regulated Law 12.334 through Resolution 696, approved on December 15, 2015. The document sets the criteria for classification, formulation of the Safety Plan and execution of Dam Safety Periodical Review. Every year, the Agency receives from companies the Dam Safety Form (FSB), which is the initial instrument used for classifying dams of hydroelectric undertakings according to the Risk Category (CRI) and to the Associated Potential Damage (DPA) addressed by the National Dam Safety Policy.