Energy Efficiency
Copel, committed to sustainable development, encourages the efficient use of energy, both in its administrative facilities and in the projects it operates, with a view to reducing production costs and tariff values.
Law No. 9,991/2000 and Aneel Normative Resolution No. 920/2021 determine the application of financial resources in the Energy Efficiency Program, aiming at promoting the efficient use of electric energy in all sectors of the economy.
Annually, Copel Distribuição makes public calls for consumers to submit project proposals that demonstrate the importance and economic feasibility of improving the energy efficiency of equipment, processes and end uses of energy. Industrial, residential (condominium), rural, commercial and service consumers, public authorities, public lighting and public services can participate.
In addition, the Company encourages energy efficiency among consumers in order to promote the conscious use of natural resources, the reduction of operating costs for generation, transmission and distribution of energy, with consequent reduction of the value of the electric energy bill.
More information on the investments made by Copel can be found in Copel’s annual reports.
Send suggestions, opinions and information on the topic of Energy Efficiency to the e-mail address:

- Energy Efficiency Program
- Energy efficiency procedures
- Public Hearing
- Public Calls
Copel’s Energy Efficiency Program is executed annually in compliance with the clause of the Electricity Distribution Concession Contract and Law No. 9.991/00, through which financial resources are invested in projects that aim to promote energy efficiency in the final use of electric energy.
The criteria for applying the resources and procedures necessary for submitting the Program to ANEEL are established in the Procedures of the Energy Efficiency Program – PROPEE.
Investments in energy efficiency are guided by guidelines established by ANEEL, through energy efficiency procedures (PROPEE), which regulate activities related to the Energy Efficiency Program.
As established in the Energy Efficiency Program Manual, approved by Aneel Normative Resolution No. 892, of August 11, 2020, Copel communicates to its customers and society in general that the projects of the Energy Efficiency Program, established by Law 9,991/ 2000, carried out last year, the projects in progress and the projects planned for this year, as well as other information about the Program, are available on the Copel Distribuição S.A. homepage.
Contributions may be sent to the postal address:
Copel Distribuição S.A. – Energy Efficiency Program
Rua José Izidoro Biazetto, 158, Bloco C, sala 37, Curitiba – PR, CEP 81200-240 or by
To consult Copel’s public calls for the Energy Efficiency Program (PEE), access Copel Distribuição’s website (portuguese only).
Energy Efficiency Guidance
Avoid overloading distribution circuits and keep three-phase networks well balanced. An overheated conductor is usually a sign of overload. This conductor must be replaced by another with a larger gauge or redistribute its load to other circuits;
Check the splices or connections. Loose seams or poorly tightened connections generate heat, increasing consumption;
For high powers, give preference to high-voltage energy transport;
Carry out a technical-economic study, verifying the possibility of installing transformers close to the requesting loads; and
Check the installation power factor.
Engines must operate between 60 and 90% of their rated power;
If the machine requires 2 or 3 different speeds, an asynchronous motor with 2 or 3 speeds can be used;
Adopt, whenever possible, electronic speed variators (static inverters for alternating current);
Turn off machine engines during idle periods (when they are not operating), as long as this does not cause problems with the equipment or electrical installation;
Check whether the engine characteristics are suitable for the environmental conditions where it is installed (temperature, corrosible atmosphere, etc.);
Check the possibility of installing the engines in places with better ventilation and in less aggressive environments;
Avoid using oversized motors. When changing, install a new engine with adequate power;
Consider the use of high-performance motors, which have reduced losses and longer useful life; and
When purchasing new engines, give preference to the use of engines with the Procel/Inmetro Energy Saving Seal.
Turn on electric lights only where there is not enough natural lighting to carry out activities;
Turn off lamps in unoccupied rooms, except those that contribute to safety;
Avoid painting ceilings and walls in dark colors which require higher power bulbs to illuminate the environment;
Keep windows and light fixtures clean;
Use transparent tiles to take advantage of natural lighting;
Divide lighting circuits, allowing partial use without compromising comfort;
Go through the different sectors of the industry, in order to check if there are luminaires operating unnecessarily or places with excessive illuminance;
Clean preferably during the day. If carried out at night, only the area in which the service is being carried out must be illuminated;
Replace incandescent and mixed lamps with more efficient lamps; and
Give preference to the use of compact fluorescent lamps and LED lamps with the Procel Seal.
In cold storage rooms, always adjust the thermostat according to the storage temperature relative to the stored products and storage period;
Always try to store products that require the same temperature, humidity percentage and same storage period in the same chamber;
Always keep the thermostat and heating resistance of evaporator units that operate in freezing conditions in good working order, as ice is insulating and makes heat exchange difficult;
Keep, whenever possible, the doors of the cold storage rooms closed and sealed, including the doors of the antechambers;
Always keep thermostats that operate with three-way valves and/or expansion valves in good working order and clean;
Use, in cold storage rooms, only more efficient lamps, preferably cold ones, maintaining the appropriate illuminance level (200 lux);
Avoid, whenever possible, installing condensers within reach of sunlight or close to ovens, stoves, or any equipment that radiates heat;
Use an air curtain when there is no antechamber;
Recover, whenever there is simultaneity or possibility of accumulation, the heat rejected in cooling towers for heating or preheating fluids involved in other processes. This recovery can be carried out by exchangers or heat pumps; and
Study the possibility of thermo-accumulation in ice or chilled water for medium or large indirect expansion refrigeration systems, which use chilled water as a thermal flywheel and operate in compatible temperature ranges.
Periodically check the physical conditions of the compressors and carry out periodic cleaning or replacement of air filters;
Clean oil separator filters in the case of screw compressors;
Keep the drive belts properly adjusted, changing them when worn;
Whenever possible, install intake air intakes outside the engine room;
Eliminate all existing leaks in the path between generation and the central reservoir and in the air distribution network. The maximum allowable value for leaks is 5% for medium-sized industries that do not have tools such as hammers, grinders, etc. For industries such as heavy boilermaking and civil construction, a maximum value of 10% is permissible;
Periodically drain the central reservoir;
Keep the surfaces of heat exchangers (intercoolers) clean;
Distribute compressed air, avoiding complex paths and curves. The maximum permissible pressure loss between the central reservoir and the furthest point of use is 0.3 kg/cm2. Above this value, the distribution network must undergo changes to simplify routes;
Remove all deactivated or inoperative secondary branches from the distribution network. This prevents condensate accumulation, excessive pressure loss and leaks;
Use the different types of valves according to your specific application. Avoid, for example, the use of a blocking register to regulate flow and vice versa; and
- Drain condensate from lower elevation points in networks without oil and apply the purge system to networks with oil. A slope of 5 to 10 mm per linear meter of mesh facilitates the operation of the condensate drain system.
Set the device’s thermostat to a room temperature that provides comfort;
Periodically clean the filters, changing them when necessary;
Check that the fan belts are adjusted and perfect;
Use curtains and blinds to avoid the incidence of sunlight in environments with air conditioning;
Whenever possible, turn on the air conditioner one hour after the start of work and turn it off one hour before it ends;
Keep doors and windows closed in rooms with air conditioners;
Keep the air circulation grilles unobstructed;
Check whether the chilled water and condensation treatment is adequate;
Preferably use fluorescent lamps in air-conditioned environments;
Turn off the device when leaving the room for a long time; and
Give preference to the use of air conditioners that have the Procel/Inmetro Energy Saving Seal.
- Carry out periodic maintenance of the system, eliminating leaks and cleaning the filters;
- Check whether the system is sized correctly, that is, whether the pump flow is adequate for the system’s needs, whether the piping diameter is appropriate (savings on piping are reflected in higher energy costs) and whether the power of the electric motor is compatible with the pump (excessive power surplus causes a low power factor);
- Avoid sharp turns, sudden reductions and enlargements. This causes a considerable increase in the load loss of the installations;
- Prevent air from entering the suction piping. This occurs due to the precarious state of the piping or intentionally, with the adjustment of the flow and, consequently, the engine load. Despite being a way of reducing the requested load, this attitude is reprehensible due to the reduction in the efficiency and useful life of the pump. The correct procedure would be, instead of air intake, to resize the motor-pump assembly through the rotor or set of pulleys;
- Avoid high suction heights. The occurrence of excessive suction heights, in addition to reducing performance, can cause “cavitation”, reducing the useful life of the pump impeller;
- Check the required pouring height. When the pipe outlet is at a height much higher than the dumping point, it causes unnecessary energy expenditure due to oversizing of the installation; and
- Installations must not be made up of a single motor-pump set. The correct option would be to divide the hydraulic load into two (or more) powertrains.
- Avoid excess ice by correctly adjusting the equipment’s thermostat and cleaning it periodically;
Install counters out of reach of sunlight or other heat sources; - Do not place products that are still hot or packed in transport packaging on refrigerated counters;
- Arrange the food so that it does not exceed the cold air curtain formed in the open refrigerated counters;
Cover frozen product counters overnight to preserve the cold; - Try to take advantage of the existing cold rooms, which operate continuously, to pre-freeze the products, before the first loading from the open cold counters;
- Keep the rubber seals on the doors or lids in perfect condition; and
- Give preference to refrigerated counters with glass lids, which allow viewing of the products on display, reducing cold loss.
Solar Collectors
- Try to install a solar collector with a Procel/Inmetro Seal classified as “A”;
- Try to install solar heating plates always facing the geographic North; NOTE: Between the Geographic North and the Magnetic North there is a declination, for the South region of Brazil, on average it varies from 16º (Rio Grande do Sul) to 18º (Paraná);
- For the southern region of Brazil, the inclination of solar collectors must be between 35º (Curitiba) and 40º (Porto Alegre); and
- For regions where the average minimum temperature in winter is below 9ºC, it is advisable to install an anti-freezing system.
Thermal Reservoirs
- Try to install reservoirs with the Procel/Inmetro Seal classified as “A”;
- The size of the reservoir must be appropriate to the hot water consumption of the consumer unit; and
- The installation of the thermal reservoir must preferably be above the solar collectors, with a minimum difference of 30 cm and a maximum distance of 5 m.
Auxiliary Heating System
- In general, it is necessary to install an auxiliary heating system; and
- The auxiliary system is generally electrical and must be calculated according to the recommendations of the thermal reservoir manufacturer.
- In general, solar collectors have a glass plate on the collecting surface; if it breaks, it must be replaced;
- Whenever you carry out any maintenance on the solar heating system, turn off the power supply;
- Before turning the power back on, make sure the thermal reservoir is full of water;
- Every 6 months it is recommended to wash the windows and drain the water from the system. When washing the windows, try to do it in the morning, to avoid thermal shocks and glass breakage; and
- For any other type of maintenance, consult the supplier of your solar heating system.