Social and Environmental Reports

Copel’s wholly-owned subsidiaries, Copel Distribuição and Copel Geração e Transmissão, annually prepare documents that concentrate information from the previous year in order to provide transparency on the results and advances achieved, as well as comply with the legal and regulatory requirements of the electricity sector.

The Socio-Environmental and Economic-Financial Report presents the main results and social, environmental and economic impacts resulting from the operations, as well as complies with the determinations of the Electricity Sector Accounting Manual (MCSE), as provided for in Aneel Normative Resolution No. 933, in order to render accounts, in a transparent manner, to the Granting Authority and all the company’s stakeholders.

The publication follows the guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) Standards, in the “essential” option. The report also observes the guidelines of the Social Balance of the Brazilian Institute of Social and Economic Analysis (Ibase); the Brazilian Accounting Standard (NBC T15); the regulations of the Abrasca Annual Report Award; the Communication of Progress in relation to the commitments assumed with the Global Compact; and International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), considered in the information from the financial statements.